At the 107 Legislative Assembly of the 34 Hongwanji Buddhist temples in Hawaii, Lily Horio was honored with a Resolution of Appreciation for her life-long efforts to share the teachings of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. The following Resolution of Appreciation was presented to her by Bishop Eric Matsumoto and Rev. Shindo Nishiyama honored her with a lei.
Resolution of Congratulations and Appreciation
Ms. Lily (Miyasato) Horio
(Honolulu Hongwanji Council)
WHEREAS, Lily (Miyasato) Horio who celebrated her 88th birthday on April 1, 2018, is a devoted family member, a community leader, a dedicated member of Jikoen Hongwanji and a lifelong devout follower of Jodo Shinshu and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Horio served as the President of Jikoen Hongwanji Mission from 2005 to 2011, and volunteered as Dharma School Teacher since her high school years and provided leadership in the Hawaii Dharma School Teachers Association and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Horio as a teacher at Waianae, Aiea, Alvah Scott, Aliamanu, Puuhale, Ewa Beach, Kahala schools and retired in 1993 after serving 20 years at Likelike School, served the greater community by teaching English as a second language at Kaimuki Community School for Adults, served as a tutor of English in Japan, Frankfurt Germany, and taught at the 52nd Street School in Los Angeles for 6 years and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Horio in 1958, at the request of the late Bishop Morikawa, took a night train through East Berlin and made historical efforts to call on a small group of devout Shin Buddhists under the leadership of Harry Pieper to perpetuate Jodo Shinshu in West Berlin and upon returning to Hawaii, formed the “Tomo no Kai” or “Hawaii-Germany Friendship Club” and raised funds over 2-3 years thereby promoting goodwill between West Berlin and Hawaii during the height of the Cold War, and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Horio served as Jikoen temple organist, and from 2009-2017 served as Jikoen Choir Director. She wrote many gathas that continue to be sung throughout the state such as Let It Begin With Me, The Beginner’s Mind, Eyes on the Lift, Like the Wave, Offering, Precious Gift, Gratitude, I Say Namo Amida Butsu, and In Harmony. She also collaborated with Shizue Miyasato and Francis Okano in composing, Rennyo Shonin, and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Horio together with her father, the late Shohei Miyasato, boldy petitioned the military governor of Hawaii during WW II to allow Jikoen to remain open. Permission was granted and Jikoen was the first temple to remain open during the war to serve the Sangha, and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Horio lived a Dharma-centered life and through her caring and gentle ways made significant contributions to Jikoen Hongwanji Mission and Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii. In 2011, before over 4000 participants at the 14th World Buddhist Women’s convention in Kyoto, Japan, she spoke about her feelings of joy and gratitude she experienced in her spiritual journey and the expression of “kando”. She also shared on the growth in Hawaii of promoting world peace by talking about the Peace Parade in Honokaa and the Pacific Buddhist Academy.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the 107rd Legislative Assembly of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii express its deepest appreciation to Lily Horio for her many years of dedicated service to the Honpa Hongwanji Sangha and the greater community, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 107rd Legislative Assembly of Honpa Hongwanji Mission extends its congratulations and heartfelt appreciation to Lily Horio, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Lily, and her children, Keith Horio and Lynn M. Monnat of Austin, Texas with sincere appreciation from this assembly for their support of the Honpa Hongwanji Sangha.