Click here for October Newsletter.
Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) Center for Buddhist Education &
Technobuddha presents “Good Trouble!”
Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm (PDT)
Speaker: Richard Stambul
Attorney, past BCA President, Foot soldier in the Civil Rights movement and Trustee
of the Institute for Buddhist Studies.
Free and open to everyone. Donations gratefully accepted
State-wide Virtual Nembutsu Seminar
Time: 9:00am – 11:30am
Speaker: Bishop Marvin Harada of the Buddhist Churches of America with panelists:
Rev. Kerry Kiyohara, Makawao Hongwanji, Pieper Toyama, former HHMH Pres. &
PBA Head of School, Cristina Gervais, Sangha Activities Coordinator at Hilo Betsuin
and Carol Valentine, President of Lihue Hongwanji.
Free Registration – Donations accepted
Deadline Sunday, October 11
Please contact the Hawaii Betsuin Office (808) 536-7044