Our March Newsletter is now on-line
Click here to acess our March newsletter: news_2020-03_web This Month’s Events Bishop’s Message Family Promise March 15-22 at Hongwanji Mission School Jikoen Bazaar on April 4 Masu Kino, 91 years old, does another Great Aloha Run See in Temple News: Why we strike the bell 108 times on New Years...
Reverend Shigeaki Fujitani Shares the Creative Process of Preparing Dharma Messages
Commentary on the Dharma Messages of Reverend Shigeaki Fujitani By Pieper Toyama We have the honor of presenting on the Jikoen website, fourteen Dharma Messages by Reverend Shigeaki Fujitani. Most of the messages were delivered while he was resident minister of Makawao Hongwanji in 2000. As I prepared his Dharma...
Did you know that you have everything you need in your life to be happy?
*There are people who love you. *There are people whom you love. *You have a purpose for your life. *You are not alone. *The great compassion that we call Amida embraces you just as you are. *Namo Amida Butsu embraces you.
Jean Yamashiro Honored by Jikoen Buddhist Women’s Association
On the February 2, 2019, the Jikoen Buddhist Women’s Association honored Jean Yamashiro for the work she has done to sustain Jikoen. Her unfailing good humor, patience, kindness, and willingness to work combine to create a place of warmth and support. Jean’s life is truly an example of a Buddhist...
The Hongwanji Honors Lily Horio at its 2019 Legislative Assembly
At the 107 Legislative Assembly of the 34 Hongwanji Buddhist temples in Hawaii, Lily Horio was honored with a Resolution of Appreciation for her life-long efforts to share the teachings of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. The following Resolution of Appreciation was presented to her by Bishop Eric Matsumoto and Rev. Shindo...
Masu Kino – Uchinanchu Strong
Jikoen member, Masu Kino, will be 90 in April, and he has run/walked in every Great Aloha Run since it began. Masu’s warm personality, “can-do” attitude, good genes, and healthy lifestyle have served him well. Come to Jikoen’s Sunday Service and meet Masu. You, too, can be like Mr. Masu...
The Only One in the Hongwanji: Drive-Thru BBQ Chicken Pick Up – February 16
On February 16, 2019 between the hours of 9:00 am and noon, come to Jikoen to see a truly amazing sight. Come and see the only Drive-Thru BBQ Chicken Pick Up in the Hongwanji state-wide. The complexity, organization, and precision of the operation is a thing of beauty. And while...
Ukajidebiru: Jikoen Capital Campaign update
Ukajidebiru is an Okinawan expression of gratitude to those who make our lives possible. Background The first Jikoen temple was built in 1938. From the start, Jikoen’s spirit of openness and acceptance was extended to the Okinawan community and the community-at-large. Today this spirit of acceptance and enthusiasm for life...
Jikoen’s New Year’s Luncheon A Great Success
Jikoen’s New Year’s Celebration Jikoen’s Annual New Year’s Celebration Luncheon on January 27 brough together young and old to enjoy good food, entertainment and fellowship. The morning began with a temple service and a special new year’s message by Rev. Shindo Nishiyama. After the service, lunch was followed by entertainment...